ITALIANO per Stranieri (Italian Language Course)
Italian conversation courses, held both individually or in groups of max 8 participants, organized in different levels from Beginner to Intermediate and advanced and led by experienced and qualified Italian teachers. The diverse and international atmosphere of the classrooms, combined with the Italian theme of the lessons guarantees a pleasant and rewarding learning experience.
Our programs are mainly focused on Spoken Italian and everyday communication, providing our students with necessary vocabulary, structures and expressions to easily study, work and navigate life in Italy. However, we also prepare our students for the A1 and B2 certificates necessary for obtaining their work permit (Permesso di soggiorno per lavoro)
Unlike other language schools in Milan, we limit participation to twice per week to allow our students to study, work and enjoy life in Italy while learning Italian.
- Location: Via Paris Bordone, 13 – 20149 Milano (M1 Amendola Fiera)
- Monthly Prices: 195,00 euro
- Next Start date : Monday 04/11/2019
Click here to set up your free Level evaluation test and book your spot in the classroom !
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